Friday, September 25, 2009

Fr. Roy Bourgeois addresses the military coup in Honduras

Father Roy Bourgeois spoke yesterday (Sept. 24th) at the Handwerker Gallery on Ithaca College campus. He only had an hour but spoke about a lot of different problems occurring in Latin American countries. The talk was to focus on the military coup taking place in Honduras but he talked about his own cause with the School of the Americas and his excommunication from the church as well. Only when Jeff Cohen asked about the media's part in all this did Fr. Roy cover the difference in coverage by the mainstream and independent media.

Fr. Roy's personal cause against the School of the Americas, consists of a protect every year down in Georgia at Fort Benning. Men from Latin America are sent to Fort Benning to be trained in military combat. Back in their countries, these men have been involved in many brutal killings of innocent people by the military. The men who ran the Democratic president of Honduras out of the county were trained at this school.

The dedication and time Fr. Roy has spent to this cause is moving. His protest has been running for almost 20 years and the changes to close down the school have been small. However, Fr. Roy never gives up even after being excommunicated for advocating for women to be allowed into the priesthood.

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