Saturday, December 12, 2009

Trouble the Water

"Freedom exists somewhere. There's just limitations on that freedom."-Trouble the Water

After months of wanting to be see the documentary about Hurricane Katrina, Trouble the Water, I was finally able to find a few hours to sit in the library and watch the film. It was well made, interesting, and informative.

The documentary follows a Katrina survivor, Kimberly Rivers, through the hurricane and the aftermath when she is trying to get back on her feet. When I say survivor I'm not talking about people who last minute left New Orleans or watched the hurricane hit from a safe area. Rivers was unable to leave her home and actually spent days in the attic with about 5 other people savoring as much food as she could get trying to survive until help could come.

Rivers kept a video of her own experience in the hurricane and the filmmakers, Tia Lessin and Carl Deal, used that along with their own footage of Rivers after the hurricane to make the movie. The documentary was put together with what clips they had, making it more realistic.

Trouble the Water does though tell a one sided, one opinion story about Hurricane Katrina. One part of the movie, parallels media coverage with Rivers own experience, showing the drastic difference. It is not a bad thing to tell one side but it is just something to remember when you watch the movie.

I like this documentary because it makes you think and I would strongly recommend watching it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fort Hood and Citizen Journalism

We discussed this topic in both my Digital Journalism and Independent Media class. When Vadim, my professor, handed out Paul Carr's article "After Fort Hood, another example of how 'citizen journalists' can't handle the truth," it definitely shed new light on the Fort Hood incident and journalism.

Carr discusses the lack of accuracy in citizen journalism focusing on a woman, Tearah Moore, who was on the Fort Hood base and started twittering from a hospital about what was going on. Only problem was that she did not have her facts straight and was unprofessional in her tweets.

The article debates the issue of citizen journalism very well. Carr puts the term in quotes because he agrees it is very vague what that actually means. He questions whether Moore would even consider herself a citizen journalist and I think that is something important to consider. What is a citizen journalism? Someone who tweets about an event? Someone who interviews another person? Someone who has a recorder?

Mayhill Fowler is called a citizen journalist and from what I read her journalism is sloppy and unprofessional. But should Moore be lumped in the same category as Fowler? I don't think so. And it is just my opinion that Fowler is not a good citizen journalist.

Citizen journalism though it can be defined is very vague when put into practice. Carr may sound like he is stereotyping by his article's title but he admits in an interview that he isn't bashing citizen journalism, just parts of it. I personally feel like there is no way to criticize it because nobody's really knows who is even a citizen journalist these days.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Net neutrality still an issue

Net neutrality is defined as "the principle that all content transmitted over a cable or a phone company's network be treated equally and without preference," according to an article "Thanks to BitTorrent, Net Neutrality Debate Reignites."

One of the worst net neutrality incidents in the article is when Verizon denied a pro-abortion group to use text messaging for a campaign.

Regulation of the Internet is not fair for people who don't have big corporations backing up their websites, blogs, and accounts. The people in power can pick and choose what can be seen on the web and what can't.

"The whole Net neutrality issue is really about a power struggle," he said. "It all comes down to a scenario where the phone companies and cable operators want to call all the shots about which applications enter the market. And while that may be good for them, I'd argue it's very bad for the country."

The definition of net neutrality is great in concept but hard to regulate in a free market economy. All companies should get equal treatment on the Internet but who knows if that will ever happen.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jerold M. Starr wants a trust fund for PBS

Tom Paine posted parts of Jerold M. Starr's essays about American public broadcasting and PBS. Starr advocated in both articles for independent funding for PBS so the station can have freedom to air what it wants.

In Starr's one article, "PBS Discriminates Against Alternative Views," there are examples of PBS canceling shows because they were funded by groups who supported the cause of the show, which is something PBS does, Starr pointed out.

This goes back to my recent blog about transparency being the new objectivity. In this case, there is nothing wrong with supporting something you are passionate as long as you are honest about it. Shows are going to be funded by the people who have a bias towards it and there is nothing wrong with that. As long as the directors make it clear what the purpose of the show is and the support they received, there is nothing wrong with a show funded by specific groups.

I still think it is better to be balanced and show different sides of a story but shows such as documentaries can and are one sided. The good point though is that they are usually showing the side that people don't talk or know about.

If PBS had a trust fund from the government and public broadcasting was more independent, it would definitely change the way PBS runs. Right now they do have a loyalty to their supporters and I agree with Starr that they are struggling to survive. However, it is questionable what a trust fund would do for a public station.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Transparency is the new objectivity according to David Weinberger

In a blog post, David Weinberger clarified the difference between objectivity and transparency. He said transparency is necessary to let readers see how a journalist came to the conclusion they did. He debates that objectivity used to be the staple of trust for a news source but that just covered up the real bias those sources had. Weinberger also argues that with blogging now the credibility can be used with links.

Transparency is important for readers to trust a journalist. Being upfront, honest, and open to your own bias will help a reporter's credibility. The real question though is can anyone really be objective?

It seems Weinberger is saying that you can't.

"The problem with objectivity is that it tries to show what the world looks like from no particular point of view, which is like wondering what something looks like in the dark."

He says it is an unattaiable goal but nevertheless was important before for newspapers.

I think it is arguable what is objective. Weinberger makes it sound like it is a boring way to tell a story and gives no credibility but I diagree. I think transparency and objectivity are both important. It don't want to get into trying to define both of those but I believe you can have an article that is transparent and at the same time shows that you covered not necessarily all but most sides of a story.

Mayhill debate continued

In class, we talked a lot about Mayhill's actions and whether she was ethical in her decision. Each person in class has a different view and when it comes to ethics in journalism the standards are different for everyone.

The debate here is journalists versus politicians. Politicians are in the public eye and have different rights and responsibilities than other citizens. However, to me the same goes for journalists. We have different expectations and responsiblities when approaching our job. We have the expectation to be honest about our position when interviewing but we also have the responsibiity to report on breaking news that the public needs to know about.

Did Clinton's comments qualify as public need-to-know information? Most people might say yes but I really don't think Clinton's personal opinion about a journalists really matters to his wife's election. It goes back to the relationship Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky during his presidency. Was it relevant to his career? No. What is a bad choice? Yes. I feel that is none of our business and not relevant to who he is as a politician but I know there are people who will disagree with me on that.

We also talked in class about being transparent. As journalists, we still have an opinion and sometimes even an agenda. I agree that there is nothing wrong with being upfront and honest with your readers about your intentions for writing a story or adding in your personal bias. It is important to be transparent but I feel that also applies to our actions when getting a story. We need to upfront and honest with our sources about what we are doing and above all else at least tell them that we are a journalist.

This is a touchy topic and I know not a lot of people may agree with me. I just think we should follow the SPJ code of ethics and Mayhill should have as well.

"Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information expect when traditional open methods will not yeild information vital to the public. Use of such methods should be explained as part of the story."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Was Mayhill Dishonest?

Mayhill Fowler, a writer for the Huffington Post, is famous for taping Bill Clinton talking negatively about another journalist and reporting on it. Fowler was following the Clintons during Hillary's 2008 campaign when Fowler asked Clinton, ""Mr. President what do you think about that hatchet job somebody did on you in Vanity Fair?"

That somebody was Todd Purdum who wrote an article in Vanity Fair saying Clinton was tarnishing Hillary's campaign with his actions and the type of friends he was surrounding himself with. Clinton called Purdum a sleaze, scumbag, and dishonest guy. Fowler then went on to report the story in the Huffington Post.

Only issue: Fowler did not announce herself as a citizen journalist. Clinton apologized later for the comments but he did not know Fowler was reporting. She did claim that her tap recorder was in plain view and Clinton, being a political figure, should be careful about what he says on campaigns. However, does that mean everyone is at fault? Should Fowler have announced she was a journalist? Should Clinton have even said what he said?

I think journalists should announce themselves, no questions, but Clinton's comments were out of line. So the debate remains what was the ethical thing to do?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Googlezon: Fact or Fiction?

Googlezon EPIC2014 is a video created in 2004 that depicts a possible future for the Internet. It is based on the assumption that Google and Amazon will team up to create Googlezon that will overtake our media and change not just journalism but everyone's life. The video ends in 2014 when EPIC (Evolving Personalized Information Construct) is created where people receive what they want and need from the web while also contributing to it.

Apart from how creepy the Googlezon EPIC2014 video can be, watching it raises many questions. Are we moving towards this type of future? Is the media going to be made up of computerized stories? Do we still need journalists?

These are pretty important questions for a journalism student to be asking. There is no doubt that the Internet has created so many opportunities and made it easier for all different people to become journalists. All you need to do it pick up a computer, create a blog, write, and get your name out there. All my professors are telling me to do this and I know that although I am going to school for it, anyone can be a journalist. Freelance writing is the new form of journalism on the web. However, the quality of writing, good fact checking and sourcing is still necessary and will definitely deter a lot of people from becoming reporters.

"EPIC is what we wanted. Is is what we chose."-Googlezon EPIC2014 video

Who knows if this futuistic idea will ever be a reality. It is creepy to think that we are moving towards these futures that we used to only see movies. Only time will tell but for now I take comfort in knwoing that after 5 years, Googlezon predictions are not falling togther like the video said.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Blogging the new investigative reporting?

Will Bunch's article, "A Landmark for Bloggers -- and the Future of Journalism" discusses Josh Marshall winning the George Polk award last year. Bunch credits Marshall's online blogging that led to his website Talking Points Memo.

"Hopefully, this acknowledgment of what one savvy blogger and his team have accomplished is a milestone that will speed the day when mainstream journalists realize that the best kind of blogger like Marshall is truly one of our own kind, using new tools and a new way of thinking to break a news story that otherwise might have not been discovered."

Bunch says the Internet is a new avenue for reporting and helps to expand and improve investigative journalism. Talking Points Memo picked up stories that were only lightly covered by the mainstream media and broke through some important corruption in the government.

One point Bunch made that I think really stood out is that mainstream media needs to embrace these new forms of journalism. Currently, blogging is being put down as a sloppy form of reporting and that these people do not know what they are doing. It is important to be skeptical of blogging, just like it is to be for newspapers. Blogging does not ensure honest, unbiased reporting but it does create a new avenue and expand journalists' capabilities. I think it is important for the news media today to accept these new forms of reporting and help to make them better, instead of ignoring them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Coverage on Twitter

I have come to my own conclusion on how to use Twitter. My last blog was more of a thought process on whether Twitter is a social network or a new journalism outlet. Obviously, it is both but for me, as a journalist, Twitter is a media outlet.

When opening a Twitter account and choosing who to follow, I picked Huffington post and Arianna Huffington. Logging on just now, I saw live Twitter updates that started less than hour ago about a shooting at Fort Hood in Texas that killed 11 people and wounded 31 others. Receiving information this quickly is one of the new positive aspects of online and especially Twitter.

It goes back to what Huffington said at her Q&A here at Ithaca College on Tuesday. I twittered about the event, including her being an hour and 20 minutes late and the few minutes I was able to stay while she answered questions. While I was still there Huffington said that journalists can follow a story now with online instead of just covering it once and throwing the story aside.

The Fort Hood shooting is an example of just that. Huffington Post is covering the incident with Twitter updates and stories on the website. To me, this is what Twitter is meant to be for journalists. It is an important, immediate news source that gives ongoing coverage of a story.


All my classes this semester intertwine from Issues and News with Schack to Digital Journalism with Vadim and then Independent Media with Cohen. The War in Iraq and the new age of online media are covered in all my classes over and over.

I was surprised when in two of my classes this year, Twitter was mentioned as a viable source for a journalism career. I always saw Twitter as a preteen fad consisting of updates on people's eating and bathroom habits. I never saw it as a median for journalism or even remotely professional. However, Tuesday I twittered for extra credit for my Digital Journalism class on Arianna Huffington.

It is hard to know where the line is between professional and "for fun" when it comes to Twitter. I was watching other people blog on Huffington and since she was an hour and 20 minutes late, people joked and poked fun at the event. I did not know what to do becuase it was easier to make those comments but it was not very profesional to say negative things on Twitter.

If Twitter is going to help in my journalism career, I want to be taken seriously and be professional on the site. However, with Twitter being both a social network and a way to expand a journalism career, it is hard to know how to do this.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kate Sheppard's talk

I can't stop thinking about what Kate Sheppard said in our class on Tuesday. She talked about a lot of different aspects of her career but I am not stuck on one thing in particular. It just keeps reminding me of what I am told in the Journalism department and what this degree means when I graduate.

Sheppard had to create her own career when she finished college and is still doing so years later. She writes for many different media outlets but specifies on environmental politics. Looking at her resume and what she is doing now, it sounds like she has been writing for decades and found her niche where she can pick and choose what sources she writes for. However, she only graduated in 2006 and this is her trying to find a niche.

I always imagined leaving Ithaca, finding a job at one news source and working there for a few years and then being able to go wherever I want with journalism. I knew I would not have a set job and have to move around but I don't think I realized how unstable this career path is. Out of college, I am going to be writing all over the place and like Cohen and Vadim keep reminding me, creating a name for myself in the media via the web.

Sheppard reiterated the basic tips we have been told all semester; find a specialty, don't expect to have a steady job, and send out pitches. Although I have heard this for a while, seeing someone really going through it hit home. Now I am even more nervous about what my journalism degree holds for me in the future but I think it is a good nervous.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Can curry treat caner?

The BBC posted an article about research where curcumin, an extract from yellow curry spice, destroyed cancer cells in a lab. Cancer experts said the results could create or lead to new treatments. The article then links the results to the increase of oesophageal cancer.

The article titled "Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'" is very vague, giving little sources except for the doctor in the study and explaining the results in the simplest terms. It is always important to be skeptical about new science just like anything else. However, it is hard to give more credit when the news does not dig deep enough into the story. There were more questions raised from this article than answered. 

I found this article linked to a friend's facebook page. The Internet and especially facebook and twitter is the new way to exchange information. Like we talked about in class weeks ago, news updates and breaking news are not being spread through these social networks, which at first were just college and high school trends. 

An article like this need more information. It seems like there was no background research or previous knowledge. When posting new information such as new cancer treatment, there needs to be more explanation than just giving the facts.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Post office helping or harming small magazines

"Don't Stamp Out Brainy Mags" discussed the post offices possible plan to raise the cost of postage for periodicals. The post office until this article had cheap costs to allow people to stay connected for a low cost between long distances. The reason the Boston Globe was worried about this change was because it would hurt smaller, independent magazines.

The cost going up for publications would be bad for the news media in general but mainstream and larger periodicals would be able to afford the cost. Some small, new and not-for-profit places would have to close down if the cost to send out subscriptions went up.

The last few paragraphs acknowledged that the post office does need to make money and the Internet has allowed smaller media sources to survive. However, it a touchy subject because the post office will not be making it difficult for the media as a whole but singling out the smaller publications.

It goes back to what we talk about every week; how independent media survives in the present media set up. The mainstream and larger publications have the upperhand because the Internet has not wiped out newspapers or television and these media sources still have more power. The post office's change is upsetting because it takes power away from the independent media that have a following of people just not the money. A magazine will have more trouble railing its followers to support them than people on the Internet can. For example, Jim Gilliam used the Internet and got fans to donate $267,892 in 10 days to Brave New Films. Just like the Boston Globe said though magazines are still important in our world today and although the Internet is a great new medium, magazines, newspapers, and television are still around.

It is disheartening to think that one organization can cause problems for another. Since government, media, and other businesses are intertwined and must rely on each other it can lead to problems like this one. It is scary to wonder though how smaller groups can will find a way to survive.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Shafer criticizes Herbert Sandler

One of our readings for class sparked my interest because it was talking about ProPublica, which I wrote my first paper on. ProPublica is a non-for-profit investigative journalism news source. The organization is heavily funded by Herbert, who is chairman, and Marion Sandler.

I was very shocked by Jack Shafer's comments in his article, "What Do Herbert and Marion Sandler Want? Investigating the Funders of ProPublica, the new investigative journalism outfit." Shafer said ProPublica credits themselves with being different from the mainstream and creating investigative journalism that does not exist today. Shafer says that it is much larger scale effort than we have seen before but feels there are other sources out there.

He also criticizes Sandler for the times when he has and has not donated to journalism. Shafer quotes Chicago Tribune's James Warren saying "he declined to help journalists as much as he probably should have," referring to past incidents. Also, at the end Shafer says Sandler should donate money for 10 years to ProPublica and then resign as chairman so he does not have influence in something that "might turn out to be a good thing."

I agree that having such a large donation from one source can create a problem for ProPublica. However, Shafer's ideas for improvement are unrealistic. A person who give millions of dollars should not be told to have no input in what happens to his money. It is a double edge sword. The organization should be able to do what they want but at the same time Sandler should not be epxected to do anything such as step down as chairman. ProPublica should have a wider range of smaller donators so they can have more control over the organization. Shafer solely criticzing Sandler for problems in journalism history and in ProPublica's current position is not fair to Sandler.

I am not denfending Sandler saying that he can give as much money as he wants and then tell the people at ProPublica what to do. There are just two sides to every story and it is important to be aware of that.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Balloon Boy Still Covered

Today, looking at the news from today, I found another article about balloon boy. An incident that occurred over a week and half ago and has very little newsworthy merit has already been covered by many news stations many times.

The article I found was very critical of the coverage of the story. Frank Rich of the New York Times wrote about the hyped up news coverage of this story and many others in the past. In his article "In Defense of the 'Balloon Boy' Dad," Rich talks about the huge amount of reality television in entertainment and the news. He also mentioned the countless other times the news turned a small, unimportant story into worldwide, urgent media topic.

Rich made a good case for the irrelevance this balloon and family have in the news. However, that does not stop media sources from covering it or even Rich for that matter. I am giving balloon boy more coverage by just talking about all this in my blog. So when does stop?

If it was a hoax, Richard Heene is getting all the news coverage he wanted; good and bad. All the news stations that reported on the story at first were the beginning and are to blame for giving this story even a small amount of merit. However, it should stop there. Talking about how ridiculous the story is or even reporting on reporting is just feeding the story. My blog does it give this incident the covergae is has been and will still receieve but my post just feeds the flame.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Josh Marshall and the future of media

Reading parts of Josh Marshall's speech when he came to visit Ithaca, he made a lot of good points about the media and its future. Independent media is necessary, accuracy can get lost when trying to be balanced, and opportunities are endless on the web were just a few. One of the last questions he promoted and answered that we even discussed in class made me think.

He said in "Keynote Lecture: Josh Marshall: The Growth of Talking Points Memo and the Importance of Independent Media,"

"The question in my mind: Are we just in a period of tumult and we’ll settle down and have the same kind of dominant entities – or is there something about the technology that has created a permanent ingrained ease of entry into the space? I think the latter is the case."

I do not know if he is right. After reading, Rodger Streitmatter's "Voices of Revolution: The Dissident Press in America,” it seems there is always a dominant media or even a basic ideal of the time. When lynching was accepted, there were still people like Ida B. Wells who wrote against it. When black suppression was still occurring in the 60s, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out. Whether it is media or political issues, there is always someone speaking out because the majority or what used be to the majority has more power. It is possible that when I am older, independent media will be mainstream. Although it seems now that new technology has allowed for wide views, it is unsure how this will affect the media in time to come. So although Josh Marshall makes a good point and he could be right, it is still difficult to tell if this new media has wiped out the old way of doing things.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mark Finkelstein visits class

Mark Finkelstein, journalist and blogger, was a very interesting speaker to have in our Independent Media class yesterday. It was great to bring in someone from the other side of the political spectrum. Ithaca is very liberal and although I agree with many of their ideals, that does not mean the conservative spectrum is wrong or irrelevant.

Finkelstein spoke well, presenting his view and at the same time repsecting other people. It was noble of him to admit he could be wrong when him and a student were discussing Obama's decision to not go on FOX News. Finkelstein defended his view well at first but when caught in a web of conflicting views, he admitted his fault. It didn't discredit Finkelstein or prove that his opinion was wrong, which gives him even more merit for admitting it. Although some people may have seen "submitting defeat" on Finkelstein' part as him losing the arugment, I believe it only shows that he can be honest and fair. He pushed his ideas on the class and of course believes in what he is saying but he was realistic about it.

Whether the student or Finkelstein was right is irrevelant and there really is no right or wong answer. I think both people spoke well and defended their points strongly. Finkelstein is partial to conservative groups but he did a good job of speaking to an Independent Media class so props to him.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fr. Roy Bourgeois addresses the military coup in Honduras

Father Roy Bourgeois spoke yesterday (Sept. 24th) at the Handwerker Gallery on Ithaca College campus. He only had an hour but spoke about a lot of different problems occurring in Latin American countries. The talk was to focus on the military coup taking place in Honduras but he talked about his own cause with the School of the Americas and his excommunication from the church as well. Only when Jeff Cohen asked about the media's part in all this did Fr. Roy cover the difference in coverage by the mainstream and independent media.

Fr. Roy's personal cause against the School of the Americas, consists of a protect every year down in Georgia at Fort Benning. Men from Latin America are sent to Fort Benning to be trained in military combat. Back in their countries, these men have been involved in many brutal killings of innocent people by the military. The men who ran the Democratic president of Honduras out of the county were trained at this school.

The dedication and time Fr. Roy has spent to this cause is moving. His protest has been running for almost 20 years and the changes to close down the school have been small. However, Fr. Roy never gives up even after being excommunicated for advocating for women to be allowed into the priesthood.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

News You Can Endow...Is that possible?

The extra reading for this week from the New York Times brought up an interesting solution for newspapers' decline in revenue. The article entitled "News You Can Endow" by David Swensen and Michael Schmidt states that endowing newspapers would help save them from extinction. Swensen and Schmidt defended their argument well and the idea sounds good on paper. Endowed newspapers would mean independent news sources and an end to their financial problems. With reporters indebted to their sources to conitnually get the new story and a lack of investiagtive journalism in today's media, maybe this would allow for a free-thinking, independent media. Also it does sound like it would solve the problem of how newspaper will make money by making them non-profit.

However, who would endow the papers? Swensen and Schmidt compare it to endowing colleges and unverisities. Newspapers though important may not hold the same necessity as an education does for endowers.

Also, Swensen and Schmidt disregard the fact that although the web does contain a lot of false information, it is also a new frontier that newspapers can consider. They did mention that newspapers do not make enough revenue from the Internet but that is because it is a small part of newspapers' outlet. Maybe if they marketed their news differently or used many different types of multimedia, they could be making money.

It would be interesting to see how it would play out if we tried to make newspapers not-fot-profit. Putting this into action though is another thing and would require a lot of change and cooperation from many different people. It probably is not a change we will see in the near future but I think it is something to question and even consider.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is my first blog ever for Independent Media. Let's hope I can figure this all out. Shouldn't be too difficult...